
Below you can find a variety of resources to help you join the more than 1.6 million VFW and VFW Auxilary members. For a quick overview of the VFW as a whole, we encourage prospective members to take a gander at the fact sheet below.

Fact Sheet


There are three qualifiers for membership in the VFW, as set out in our By-Laws. An individual must meet all three in order to become a member. They are as follows: 

More detailed information on VFW eligibility can be accessed here.


The VFW appreciates your service, and so do many patriotic businesses across the country. We encourage you to visit the national site to view all the support and assistance that is offered. Further, we encourage prospective members to browse the membership brochure below to get a glimpse into a VFW membership.

Membership Brochure

Ready to join?

Membership Application